
Parent Night Newsletter

Welcome to my second grade class! I am looking forward to a wonderful year. We have so many exciting, new things we will be discovering this year, so be ready for the journey! At J.R. Smith we set goals to be Safe, Kind and Responsible. This year there will be many opportunities to work on these goals and build a strong and friendly community in our classroom. We have a great year ahead of us! Remember “you can steer yourself in any direction you choose!”

Here are some basic things to be aware of: 

Attendance: If your child is absent, they may receive their missed work upon return.  With a few days’ notice, I can prepare a packet of materials your child can take. The more students can be in class, the more enriched their learning will be.

Class Rules: In our classroom, we have five main rules: 
1: Choose to be respectful
2:  Choose to be responsible
3: Choose to be Safe
4: Choose to be Kind
5: Choose to be honest. 

With the help of the students, we will discuss what they mean and create rewards and consequences. By doing this, my hope is to help our class feel ownership of and responsibility for the rules of my classroom.

Volunteers: Parent volunteers are greatly appreciated in our class! On our class blog I will have a calendar. I encourage you to take a look at it and email me with any day you would like to help out. Please note: you may still come and help without having a time, but it is very appreciated. 

Parent Communication: I feel that communication and teamwork between parents and teachers is vital. I will do my best to keep you informed and involved in your child’s classroom and education. In order to keep you updated I hope to have a weekly newsletter, which will have important dates and upcoming events. I will also have a blog specifically for this class. The blog address is: Please note: the newsletter, calendar, and other assignments with be posted on the blog.

Homework: I will not give much homework in my class, but I would ask that students read for 15 minutes each night. When a math page is sent home, I ask that the students complete the assignment on their own.

Grading: Grades will be sent home at the end of each term. Student grades are also available on the SIS system. You may also access grades on my webpage, located at

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